Acne is a difficult and frustrating condition to control. Acne lesions come in different forms and levels of severity, often concurrent with skin hyperpigmentation & acne scars. Dermalogics has quickly become the go to specialist center for advanced acne treatments. Quickly understand, decode and get to the root of your acne with our successful proprietary Dermalogics Acne Program™.

Our clinic is synonymous with proven effective acne treatments.

We combine multifaceted treatments, and customize acne programs for each person, since acne treatment is a complex. There is no one cure-all for acne, therefore a holistic stacked combined approach is most effective and most successful.

We focus on both the internal & external components of your acne.

the dermalogics acne program
A Multifaceted Acne Program focusing on both the internal & external components of your acne.

Our treatments include a range of treatments, including highly effective prescription-strength medications. At Dermalogics, we aim to not only decrease acne, but also to clear the skin of the dark marks or depressed scars that remain on the skin.

Intelligent Acne Management:

Our signature acne program begins with a comprehensive skin, lifestyle, and nutritional analysis. Based on our findings, we package a series of treatments likely to be successful at controlling your acne.

Our programs are highly effective, and even life-changing. Get to the root of your acne.

Dermalogics can customize a program for you. Both our professional and at-home programs have consistently proven highly effective for patients committed to taking control of their acne.

Please note that severe cystic acne may also require oral medications.

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